What is BodyTalk?

Nothing Is More Important Than Your Health!

The BodyTalk System™ is a revolutionary new alternative and complementary healthcare paradigm for the 21st century. Introduced by Dr. John Veltheim of Australia in the mid-1990s, the BodyTalk System™ is now being used by thousands of people in many parts of the world.  It combines information from Eastern and Western healing methods, with Reiki, Polarity, herbs, Yoga, Cranio-Sacral, Therapeutic Touch, chiropractic, acupuncture, Chakra healing, and essentially links into all other energy healing modalities.  BodyTalk practitioners know a little (and sometimes a lot) about both Eastern and Western healing methods.  It's the integration of the two systems that brings about such great results.​

Since its inception, BodyTalk has been used to successfully treat a wide variety of diseases and to enhance the effectiveness of other treatment modalities. The BodyTalk System is totally safe, non-invasive, and has been achieving spectacular results in a growing number of health care areas.  BodyTalk can be used to address nearly any specific health problem, as well as preventative health maintenance. 

Most importantly, the BodyTalk system does not rely on the practitioners forcing their ideas or agendas on the client. The BodyTalk practitioner is guided specifically by the innate intelligence of the client, thus ensuring that the human body's remarkable healing capabilities are being utilized to their maximum potential.

Over the past 30 years of our practice, The BodyTalk System™ is getting spectacular results in all aspects of alternative and complementary healthcare. Our health research into safe healing methods may be just what you are seeking for chronic pain and other ailments.  We have been getting wonderful results helping people with physical pain, discomfort, trauma, disease pathology, as well as emotional, mental and spiritual concerns.  The research is leading us into many other avenues of release of the issues at the energy level, including the effects of domestic animals and plants on human health. 

If you would like to experience the huge benefits of BodyTalk, click here to find a BodyTalk Practitioner near you.

The outstanding growth and success of the BodyTalk system is fueled by the following factors:

  1. Unusually good results occur in almost every sphere of health care when BodyTalk treatments are added.

  2. It can be used as a stand-alone health care system and can be learned in a relatively short time. 

  3. It can be seamlessly integrated into any other health care modality and is complementary to each modality.

  4. It is totally non-invasive and absolutely safe. There are no contraindications to its use.

  5. No diagnosis is given, no medications prescribed, and no invasive techniques imposed upon the client. The BodyTalk System does not conflict with, or legally contravene, any existing health care system or law.  Treatments involve only the use of light touch and tapping gently on your head, heart, and abdomen, but only with your permission.  Most of the work takes place in the energy field around your body.

  6. Clients thoroughly enjoy the sessions and the results are evident within all aspects of health – mind, body, and spirit.

A Different Approach to Healthcare:

Modern western medicine focuses mostly on physical maladies that can be easily measured with current equipment and treated by drugs, radiation and surgery. It often misses the other just-as-important domains such as mental, emotional and energetic issues, work very harmoniously with surgery, radiation and drugs.

Our human minds have a hard time comprehending non-physical and non-measurable factors, but our work has proven that those factors are critical.

The BodyTalk System recognizes that within each and every one of us there lies the innate knowing of who we are and what makes us tick.  Your brain has lived with you since before you were born.  It knows more about your health than any practitioner ever will.  Why not use YOUR INNATE WISDOM to stay in control of YOUR healing?

This innate wisdom carries the answer to our health care dilemma. This is addressed in the following way:

1. The BodyTalk System facilitates communication with the innate wisdom of the body by using neuromuscular biofeedback (sometimes called "muscle testing", though it has nothing to do with your muscle strength). This feedback provides the practitioner with a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer to any question that is asked of the body. The innate wisdom thus provides BodyTalkers accurate guidelines with regard to body-mind requirements for optimum health. 

2. By following a comprehensive protocol of questions, the BodyTalk practitioner can establish exactly what balancing the body needs in order to harmonize the body-mind function. This involves finding out which organs, endocrines, or body parts need to be connected to heal communication between them at the physiological, biochemical, circulatory, nervous, emotional, and/or energy levels of an even higher order.

3. The client and/or the practitioner touch the parts that need repair and the practitioner then uses his/her fingers to gently tap the head of the patient in order to focus the brain toward repair. BodyTalk ‘tapping’ is based on an old Hatha Yoga technique and experiments with biofeedback apparatus show that when this tapping occurs while specific parts are being touched there is a major increase in brain activity in relation to those parts.

4. The practitioner then lightly taps the sternum to store the changes in the heart energy complex, which ensures that the new balance is held in deep memory and is, therefore, lasting. Tapping on the abdomen alerts the digestive system to modify the chemical processes to maximize cellular nutrition.

Clinical results have shown that once the communications systems of the body have been reestablished and the body-mind complex synchronized, the body is capable of healing itself at a deep and lasting level.

This is something that modern health care systems have tended to forget, or ignore. The trend has been to want to play “God” and intervene in the body’s natural processes even though it is clear that allopathic health care training provides only a glimpse into the complex interactions of the body-mind.

BodyTalk practitioners are seeing the incredible healing power of a ‘balanced’ body in the daily results obtained in practice. The functions of every part of the body and mind are improved. This means that the immune system will start to eliminate chronic and acute viruses, bacteria, parasites, and toxins.

Reestablishing of the mind/body balance reduces allergies, emotional and psychological disorders. It also improves posture and coordination, digestion and elimination, brain functions, learning disorders, and states of distorted consciousness in the form of negative belief systems and attitudes.

The BodyTalk System does not rely upon diagnosis and the BodyTalk practitioner does not prescribe, use invasive techniques, or do anything that can cause harm to the body. This makes it one of the rare health care systems that can be classified as totally safe and truly holistic in its approach to reestablishing the optimum health of the client.

It is complementary to all other health care systems and can be used as a stand-alone system or be integrated into any other health care practice. It can also be safely used by the layperson as a means of assisting in the health care of themselves, their family, and friends.  We have also integrated the use of crystals, herbs, magnets, drumming, Shamanic practices, Reiki, and much more.

The International Body Talk website can be found here.

EMERGENCIES:  Of course, there are times that natural healing is limited. The typical emergency such as a car accident, where the body is in traumatic crisis, attests to the need of skilled intervention in the form of modern medicine, hospital diagnostics, etc.  BodyTalk will speed up the healing, but in emergencies you will need the Emergency Room first.  If you are scheduled for surgery, a pre- and post-operation BodyTalk session will prepare you for the trauma, then help you to heal faster afterwards.

What is Health?

HEALTH:  Is it just the absence of disease symptoms?

Health is the level of functional or metabolic efficiency of a living being. In humans, it is the general condition of a person's mind, body and spirit, usually meaning to be free from illness, injury or pain (as in “good health” or “healthy”). The World Health Organization (WHO) defined health in its broader sense in 1946 as "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." Although this definition has been subject to controversy, in particular as having a lack of operational value and the problem created by use of the word "complete", it remains the most enduring. Classification systems such as the WHO Family of International Classifications, including the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), are commonly used to define and measure the components of health.

 A healthy physical body lives with a sense of freedom, strength, and happiness.  It is pain-free except when we over-stress it or subject it to minor injuries. It heals rapidly from minor illnesses, sore throats, runny noses, etc.  It's teeth are solid and get regular dental care.  

Exercise is relatively easy, and fun.  Playing sports, swimming, hiking, housework and other activities come naturally, and you want to do more and share in the fun.

Staying healthy requires proper nutrition, exercise, sleep time, and variety of activities.  

Mental health is how we think, feel and act as we cope with life. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others and make choices. Like physical health, mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood.

Staying mentally healthy is not always easy, especially during tough times. Here are some tips that can help:

Get support from family and friends
Find time to take care of yourself and relax
Have a healthy lifestyle, with regular exercise

Let go of your fears and worries, as they weaken your immune system and negatively impact your physical body

Emotional health is defined by the degree to which you feel emotionally secure and relaxed in everyday life. An emotionally healthy person has a relaxed body, an open mind and an open heart.

The more emotional health you possess, the more self esteem you have. This means you do not frequently react with knee jerk responses, anxiety or panic to the events that occur in your life.

Instead, you are usually calm and patient with yourself and others. This means you are an emotionally secure person.

Emotionally safe people do not judge or criticize others. This is because they have learned not to judge and criticize themselves.

Emotionally healthy people feel safe and secure with their own emotions and feelings. They feel their feelings and emotions instead of avoiding them or trying to control them.

To be emotionally healthy you must express your emotions in healthy, assertive ways.

Most of us are unaware of the health of our spirit or life energy. We go about our daily business without ever giving a second thought to this very vital part of our lives. For the majority of people, spiritual health is intangible and invisible. The notion of the spirit is purely an idea or abstract concept, not a thing that can be monitored and measured easily like blood pressure or insulin levels. Yet our spiritual health is just as real and important as any other measurement of our well being.

Lacking the modern devices and technology used to track physical illness, we must rely upon a routine of self examination and introspection in order to gauge the health level of our spiritual selves.

The following checklist has been designed to help determine whether your spiritual health is in need of attention.

1. You find yourself more in agreement with negative points of view

2. You are easily irritated or agitated, small things annoy you.

3. Beliefs that once seemed impeccable seem to have let you down.

4. You feel drained or tired most of the time

5. Hobbies and interests seem less enjoyable

6. You relive past events trying to determine when things went wrong

7. Migraines and other ailments occur more frequently

8. When you should be relaxing, you feel uncomfortable and nervous

9. There always seems to be a void in your life which must be filled

10.  You find yourself judging others, have difficulty forgiving yourself and others

Any or all of these issues may point to a serious need to address your spiritual health and well being. Considering the important role which spiritual health plays in our overall sense of happiness and fulfillment as well as the direct connection between spiritual wellness and physical health, it is unfortunate that more attention is not paid to this vital area.

When the spiritual self is injured, the mind and body suffer. Take some time to examine your life path, your beliefs and expectations. Consider practicing meditation or other relaxation techniques to reduce stress and anxiety. Make a point of evaluating the strength of your spirituality and take steps to connect or reconnect with the sense of wonder and mystery of life.

Examine your beliefs. Are your beliefs working for you? Is it possible that the beliefs that you have held for so long are actually damaging your spirit?

Of course it is. We often inherit the beliefs of our ancestors, community and cultures. Many times these beliefs simply are not compatible with what we intrinsically know to be true. The resulting inner conflict can result in a sort of spiritual flu, an illness which we often carry for a lifetime and we can never seem to shake. No matter how good things may seem to be going, we always feel a certain kind of emptiness. Examine your beliefs and your entire belief system, do not be afraid to throw out any beliefs which feel at all uncomfortable. Your spirit will thank you.

If you would like to experience the huge benefits of BodyTalk, click here to find a BodyTalk Practitioner near you.

Frequently Asked Questions:

I’m basically healthy, so why do I need a BodyTalk energy healing session? 
You might ask yourself, how do I feel physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually?   Is every part of my body working at optimum levels?   Do you feel you are functioning at your very best at all levels?  BodyTalk can be used as the primary treatment for many health problems, or seamlessly integrated into any health care system to increase its effectiveness and promote faster healing.  It is an immune system booster, a relaxation system and an opportunity for you to modify your subconscious programming to allow your own system to operate more smoothly.
Think of BodyTalk as preventative maintenance.  It’s like changing the oil in your car engine even though the engine is running fine.  It will make it last longer and run more smoothly and with more power for the same fuel usage. 
BodyTalk is one of the rare health care systems that can be classified as totally noninvasive, absolutely safe, and truly holistic in its approach to reestablishing optimum heath. BodyTalk can be used to treat people of all ages and even pets and plants. 

Why do we need BodyTalk?
The body has built-in mechanisms to initiate the healing process, but the stresses of daily life interfere with these mechanisms. 
If we cut ourselves, the body immediately sets up a process to start healing the wound. This occurs at several levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Although this is obvious to every one of us, most people do not fully realize just how wonderful the human body's healing mechanism actually is. 
A problem facing most of us today is the way our lifestyles interfere with the natural processes of our bodies. 

Most people in society are routinely exposed to:
- Physical stresses including physical injuries, infections, viruses, parasites 
- Emotional traumas, death, divorce, frustration and depression
- Chemical substances contained in food, water, and air
- Exposure to artificial electrical energy fields that exist within our society 
and the electronic devices that we use on a daily basis, such as microwave ovens, alarm clocks, TV, surveillance systems
-Dental and other medical X-radiation, ultra-sound, airport scanners, and many other related systems.
Have you thought about how many electronic systems are penetrating your body all the time with electro-magnetic vibrations?  How many radio and TV signals are being broadcast in your city right now?  How many cell phones are in use for voice and texting?  Aircraft pilots and towers? Weather radar signals? Marine ship-to-shore?  GPS and communications satellites?  All on different frequencies and messages sorted via digital codes, but all traveling thru your body and mine all the time.  At the cellular level, we are slightly sensitive to all of this. 

These factors compromise the communication networks or energy circuits of the body. It is critical that these systems be perfectly balanced for the body to effectively coordinate the billions of synchronized activities per second that are necessary to maintain optimum health. The body only fails in its job because its communication systems have been severely compromised through the internal and external stresses of life. 

By re-establishing good communication between the various parts of the body, they once again are able to "talk" to each other. The body is then capable of healing itself very rapidly and effectively.  Among many complex factors, getting the BRAIN and the BODY to TALK to each other more efficiently is the key to healing most difficult health issues.

It is critical that the communication networks or energy circuits of the body be open, as there are billions of synchronized activities that need to take place every second to keep the body in good health. The body only fails in its job because its communication systems have been severely compromised through internal or external stresses of life. In essence, the energy circuits are 'blown' in a similar manner to electrical circuits in our homes that open fuses or circuit breakers when they are overloaded. By reestablishing good communication between the various parts of the body, they once again are able to 'talk' to each other, and the body is then capable of healing itself rapidly and effectively. 

In this manner, BodyTalk is also a form of prevention.  We often find a deep-seated condition that will not show any symptoms for months or years into the future, yet we can correct the imbalance today, releasing you from the probability of having that disease later on.  This is especially true for emotional or genetic tendencies toward cysts, allergies and addictions.  We have also located future dental abscesses, and amalgam fillings that are leaking minute amounts of mercury into your bloodstream, thus compromising your immune system.

How Will You Know What Is Wrong With Me?
That is the beauty of BodyTalk. We don't need to know what is wrong with you!  We don't need a diagnosis (possibly wrong), in order to improve your health.  BodyTalk and the innate wisdom of your being, guides the practitioner to help improve the communication within yourself. It is not based on how well a person is able to diagnose what is wrong with you. Your body can heal itself. Your innate wisdom guides us to help it make the changes necessary so it CAN heal from the inside, just like the way a cut finger will heal without any external intervention.

How Does Body Talk Work? 
The Body Talk System works by first identifying the weak energy circuits that exist within the body. The practitioner uses a form of biofeedback muscle monitoring to locate these weakened circuits. For every malfunctioning energy circuit found, either you or your practitioner contacts the corresponding trigger points with their hands. The BodyTalk treatment protocol is straightforward and does not require a high tech, expensive diagnosis. The BodyTalk practitioner relies on the body's innate wisdom to locate energy circuits that need to be repaired. The practitioner then treats these circuits and the healing process usually follows quickly.

What type of conditions will benefit from The BodyTalk System?
Arthritis, breathing problems, chronic fatigue, emotional disorders, stress, headaches, viruses, phobias, pain, menstrual irregularities, parasites, back pain, learning disorders, infections, sports injuries, allergies, digestive disorders, and on, and on...

We have helped people of all ages (and animals and plants, too!), with essentially every kind of ailment, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. There appears to be no limit to the applications of BodyTalk, because we are making corrections at a much higher energy level or dimension than the physical.  It starts at the level of the spiritual belief system, which then filters down through the mental and emotional mind to the subconscious mind which knows everything about you.  It is here that you set the pattern for the body and its health.

I have an unusual , incurable (medical, mental, emotional, or spiritual) condition.  Will BodyTalk help me, too?
Probably, there are hundreds of factors involved, not just the outward symptoms.  We don't try to mask your symptoms; we just want to know if your mind/body system is capable of beating the condition and why it hasn't done so already.  All we need to do is to ask your innate wisdom what the cause is, and why your brain hasn't yet fixed it.  By asking the right questions, we can ascertain the depth of the situation; about how long it will take to correct it, and whether or not you need to be referred out to another modality such as acupuncture, chiropractic, surgery, etc.  Hopefully you are already working closely with your primary care physician, and we will be glad to cooperate with him/her. 

What interrupts the body's own healing capabilities?
In today's world, our lifestyles interfere with the body's own healing capabilities in many ways: physical injuries, physical stresses or incomplete healing of diseases and traumas; emotional traumas and issues that we experience from time to time, but cannot process and release effectively (anger, fear, worry, sadness, grief, guilt or jealousy); chemical substances in the food we eat, the water we drink, and the air we breathe; exposure to artificial energy fields and the electronic devices we use daily (power plants, overhead electrical wires, phones, cell phones, pagers, computers, TV's, VCR's, stereo equipment, microwave ovens, lights, clock radios...) 

How many visits will I need?
That depends on how deeply the condition has set into your body/mind system, how long it's been with you, the stress levels in your daily life, and many other factors.  Some conditions clear in a few visits, others take more time.  We never bring you back on a regular schedule...your innate wisdom indicates when you will be ready to receive the next treatment. This is a great way to achieve results quickly as your body becomes attuned to the system and speeds the process of using the innate wisdom, brain and heart to balance your whole body.

How long does each session last?
Sessions usually last between thirty and ninety minutes, depending on how many changes your body can handle each time.  

Through exposure to the stresses of day-to-day life, the lines of communications within the body can become compromised. This leads to a decline in physical, emotional or mental health. BodyTalk is an astonishingly simple and effective way of re-establishing these lines of communication and re-synchronizing the body's energy systems. Returning the body's mechanisms to optimal function can help prevent disease and rapidly accelerate the healing process.  It is impossible to know in advance how much time your system will need with each session, but the average is about 45 minutes to one hour.

Is BodyTalk Safe?
Yes!   It is, it was, and it always has been.
Actually, The BodyTalk System has been practiced in many parts of the world since the mid 1990's, using ancient Hatha yoga procedures involving only touching various points, light tapping, sometimes eye-rolling, feathering, crystals, and breathing. There are thousands of BodyTalk practitioners using this system on a regular basis, many of them medical doctors, chiropractors, acupuncturists, massage therapists, and other licensed professional healers.  No one has ever been injured or had any condition made worse during a BodyTalk treatment.  The concept is that during a BodyTalk balancing session, your brain stays in control of the actual healing, and your brain is programmed to protect your body from harm. In all cases, this treatment system has proved to be a totally safe form of harmonious energy balancing.

The reason the system is so safe is that a BodyTalk treatment only involves re-balancing energy systems throughout the body, including chakras, meridians, and heart-mind interactions. There are no invasive procedures involved, nothing to swallow, cut or inject. No needles, no deep manipulations, no drugs, nothing you have to buy and ingest.  Sometimes a temporary change in diet or additional vitamin C or such may be requested by your innate wisdom via the kinesiology.

BodyTalk involves questioning the innate intelligence of the client's body prior to treatment. The BodyTalk practitioner is always aware of what the client’s body can safely deal with at any particular time. By virtue of the BodyTalk treatment protocol, the human body will not allow the practitioner to treat it for a condition unless it is perfectly safe to do so.

On rare occasions some healing symptoms may occur in special cases. For example, you may feel highly energized, or sometimes feel unusually tired and in need of a rest, or wanting to take a walk in the woods, or needing to drink more water. If your body is ridding itself of a virus, flu-like symptoms may occur until the process is complete. These symptoms are always quite brief, but can last for a few days in serious cases.

Symptoms could also appear for a short time after treating parasites, toxins, and emotional releases. Finally, for diabetics currently using insulin, insulin levels will need to be monitored more closely for a few days, as you may need more or less of it after a few BodyTalk treatments.  Such clients are requested to keep in close contact with their medical doctors following each balancing. BodyTalk practitioners know to never treat blood sugar on a diabetic unless the patient is capable of monitoring and adjusting their own insulin levels. 

It is advised that BodyTalk is not a substitute for conventional medical care in any condition of accident or serious illness, and there may be times when consultation with a physician is required.  BodyTalk complements all other modalities, so it doesn't detract or contraindicate any other treatments you may be currently taking from any other practitioners.

Are there any side effects? 
BodyTalk involves tapping into the innate intelligence of the patient before treatment. The BodyTalk practitioner is always aware of what the patient's body can safely deal with at any particular time. Not surprisingly, therefore, the clinical findings of BodyTalk have shown that the system is totally safe, and gently helps to re-establish a better balance within, and between, all of the many systems in the body.
What is Advanced Applied Kinesiology?
Originally known as "Muscle Testing" by the doctor who discovered it in the early 1980's, it was later modified to become a form of applied kinesiology, and then advanced for use in the BodyTalk System.  A better name would be neuromuscular biofeedback, which allows the practitioner to calibrate your body-mind system to give YES or NO answers to any questions concerning your health, by directly interrogating your "innate wisdom".  

Innate Wisdom: This is a kind of intelligence that is deeper than your sub-conscious mind, yet knows the perfect pattern for your body, mind and soul.  Connecting with this information allows us to learn ANYTHING we need to know about you that will help you, and move you toward perfect health at all levels.  (While this is not the same as a psychic connection or an aura reading, the information we use is somewhat similar to that which the late Edgar Cayce used in his famous health readings.  Click here for more information:  http://www.edgarcayce.org/)

In practice, this concept has the practitioner challenge a muscle (usually by pulling gently on your wrist) right after asking a yes-no question, or following the touching of any part of your body that is holding onto fear, grief or weakness of any kind. As your BodyTalk Practitioner works through the Protocol designed by Dr. John Veltheim, your muscles (through your Innate Wisdom) will give a weak response to places that require re-balancing, repairing of links, or re-synchronization at a physical, emotional or mental/symbolic level. 

When we do a remote BodyTalk session, we can use the practitioner’s fingers to do the muscle testing, because the practitioner’s muscle strength is determined energetically by the innate wisdom of the patient.

Kinesiology as practiced in BodyTalk is very gentle and light. Some people say they can hardly feel the practitioner’s touch. The client gets to lie down on a massage table during the entire session with their arm (which is being tested) lying by their side.

What is meant by "Linking"?
Linking is a technique that connects one aspect of the body to another for re-synchronization. The damaged link is found through kinesiology testing.  Although the BodyTalk practitioner can check the integrity of the links silently via the energy interaction created by any two bodies being in close communication, s/he is able to connect with your Innate Wisdom and establish areas that require a link repair.  

Link damage can be caused by hundreds of different physical, mental or emotional traumas, and result in poor communication between organs, endocrines and body parts.  Imagine if your mouth didn't communicate to your stomach the information that not only is there food on the way down, but it's mostly protein and will require lots of hydrochloric acid to break it apart?  What if the stomach didn't tell the liver and the gall bladder that a change in the intestinal chemistry will be required to process fat content of the food?  And then the spleen and pancreas need information about the levels of carbohydrates, alcohols, sugars, etc. that are on the way into the bloodstream so they will know how much insulin, and other hormones and chemicals need to be provided, and when?

Your BodyTalk practitioner is very interested in any areas that are not communicating at optimum levels, so they can be put back into peak efficiency.  Some clients have a few links damaged or broken; others have many, requiring a series of treatments.  Your brain may not be able to repair all of them at the same time, any more than the electric company can repair all the damage to power lines from a tornado at the same time.

Why do you tap on your clients' heads?
Tapping on the head is an ancient Hatha Yoga technique that activates the brain into re-evaluating the state of health with regard to the links being challenged, and creating a process to bring about healing and repairing the links. It also offers a major boost to the immune system to clear out infections and viruses, blood chemistry imbalances, allergies, and many other health-robbing issues.

Tapping was clinically proven to activate the brain when Dr. Veltheim attached bio-feedback electrodes to the forehead of volunteer clients. He used his advanced version of applied kinesiology to establish weak links from information supplied by the client's innate wisdom, made the required links by gently touching the skin in the required areas, and tapped gently on the Client’s head.  This leads to a great deal of unusual brain activity on the biofeedback machine.  During his experimentation, he found that random tapping did not activate the brain, but that tapping done after establishing the links identified by his client’s Innate Wisdom activated the brain (evidenced by the large peaks and valleys appearing on the biofeedback screen).

More recently a brain scan technique was used at a research hospital in India, confirming changes in energy flow in the brain during a BodyTalk session.

Why do you then tap on the client's heart/sternum?
Once the tapping is done on the head, the next step is tap lightly on the sternum over the heart. Dr. Veltheim found that the treatments wouldn't hold permanently if the tapping was just done on the head, but that they held if he tapped on the heart directly after tapping on the head. 

Although the tapping technique is not clearly understood, it appears that tapping on the heart, as an energy center, stores the changes and information that the brain has re-evaluated, and in effect communicates to every cell in the body via the heartbeat (as an information carrier wave---see the website of the Heart-Math Institute for more information: http://www.heartmath.org/). The information put forward by your heart then is that your brain is in the process of making an important improvement, and it is to the mutual benefit of all cells to support that change.  This locks the change into the cell memory of every one of the 70 trillion or so cells in your body.

Through many means, science has discovered that the heart is more complex than originally thought, particularly in the memories of emotional issues. A good example of the complexities of the heart is exemplified in the book, A Change of Heart by Claire Sylvia. She was an older woman, one who had been a fit and trim dancer and who had never eaten at Kentucky Fried Chicken in her life.  Six weeks after a heart and lung transplant, she drove straight to KFC and ordered nuggets. She later discovered that the 18-year old who died and donated his heart (the heart she received) had a fondness for nuggets, and in fact, had some in his coat pocket at the time of his death from a motorcycle accident. Other similar experiences have prompted a more in-depth examination of the complexities of the heart.

Why do you encourage Deep Breathing?
There is a saying in Yoga "perfect breath, perfect health" and BodyTalk System uses deep breathing to facilitate this incredible balancing technique. 

The Practitioner will often ask you to breathe deeply because breathing is one of the energy pumps which affects your entire body.  Consider the following as a grossly simplified view of how your body is designed to keep itself in perfect health.  Your brain creates a "radar-like" scanning signal with each breath that traverses the acupuncture meridian system and checks for problems and weakened conditions. The brain then integrates this information with that coming in via the nervous system, and determines the best course of action.  It then sends the information about how to heal or how to correct the condition down along the spine and throughout your nervous system to the areas involved.  So the interactions of breathing, meridians and nerves are designed to keep your body healthy.  If any of these are compromised for any reason, ill health will prevail.  A full breath in and out is required to get a complete scan of all the frequencies involved with your entire complexity of systems.

Emotional issues, often from childhood or from your karmic past, can have an adverse affect on breathing.  Some people breath in a very shallow manner, others very deeply.  Some fast, some slow, some are stuck in the upper end of the breath cycle (often high strung, type A or drill sergeant personalities) while others are bent over, mostly in exhale mode all the time, and have difficulty in taking in a full deep breath.  All of these conditions can be addressed with BodyTalk.

How much do treatments cost?
Most practitioners charge the equivalent of US$ 100 per hour, worldwide.  We prefer to use a system of donations, as some people are willing and able to donate much more, while others can only spare much less.  In the grand scheme of life, all of us are temporarily rich and temporarily poor at different times, and it's hard to predict what any of us will be able to afford in the near future.  In order to continue to upgrade our training, ongoing research, and to continue with the overhead of our healing location, we need to maximize the quantity of your donations. 

We do accept payment with checks payable to Bill Dewey, cash, and Venmo to @Bill-Dewey-5.

We don't take medical insurance, because the insurance companies have no way of putting you into a diagnostic category (coding) and a treatment plan with BodyTalk, and we don't want any third party telling your innate wisdom what is best for you.  Only you can know what is best for you.

Think a moment about the relative value to you of various things you maintain, such as your house and your car.  How much money do you expect to spend this next year to tune up your car?  How much to tune up your body? Which is expected to last longer?  How much is the maintenance on your home?  What is it worth to YOU to feel younger, pain free, allergy free, and more alive? 

Where can I obtain BodyTalk training?
To become a certified practitioner, you must start with the BodyTalk Fundamentals program. This course is offered by about 85 different instructors in many cities worldwide.  After much study and practice, you will then be allowed to take the written and practical exams.  That will qualify you to continue with the multitude of advanced modules and workshops which are taught around the world.   For specific training courses, dates, cost and locations go directly to the International BodyTalk Association website here.

Case Histories

HEADACHES:  44 yr. old F., continuous migraines.  After 5 treatments, only an occasional mild headache at period time...Honeoye Falls, NY

BREAST LUMP: 34 yr. old F., mammogram questionable, MD biopsy questionable, doctor set her up with an appointment at the Wendy Breast Cancer Clinic in Rochester.  Meanwhile she had one BodyTalk treatment.  The doctor at Wendy's clinic couldn't find the lump so couldn't repeat the biopsy.  She suggested she wait a year and meanwhile do frequent self exams.  Her innate wisdom indicated the cause of the lump had been dissolved, thus saving her from the agony of cancer in a few years... Ithaca, NY

SPRAINED ANKLE:  40 yr. old M, sprained ankle playing soccer with children.  Innate indicated it related to a business decision he was avoiding, and needed to deal with immediately.  After the first session, it was decidedly better.  Following one more treatment a week later, it was healed to the point of no further pain or discomfort...Victor, NY

BELL'S PALSY, DEPRESSION, FIBROMYALGIA, OTHER DISCOMFORTS:  36 yr. old F., with a history of serious family cultural issues including sexual and physically violent abuse.  Her doctor wanted to cut nerves and tighten facial muscles permanently, as there is no cure for this if it doesn't fix itself within 6 months.  She required a few dozen BodyTalk treatments, and now her face is back to near normal, her depression nearly a thing of the past, and she has exciting new employment. Friends are commenting that she looks like a renewed being!...Rochester, NY

SKIN CANCER:  64 yr. old M, two moles on Rt. shoulder, growing larger rapidly and turning bright red.  Innate wisdom indicated they were becoming cancerous.  After two treatments, they shrank back to normal, stopped itching, and currently appear as small, skin colored moles...Canandaigua, NY  (Personally, I have removed many skin blemishes, red, growing, itching spots off of my skin and others...Bill)

ALLERGIES:  62 yr. old M, allergies to many foods, pollens, cigarette smoke, dust, etc. since childhood.  Frequent runny nose, sneezing, weepy eyes, etc.  'Required about a dozen treatments, including clearing out childhood beliefs about foods his older sister insisted on not eating, foods he over-indulged in during childhood, 2 hidden viruses, past life issues, psychological beliefs, inherited DNA tendencies (sister also very allergic), and many other issues at all levels...Canandaigua, NY

FIRST AID:  Many examples of cuts and burns, bruises, etc. healing fast.  Best example:  Bill Dewey, while tiling a ceiling in 2001, fell 12 feet onto a concrete floor:  broke his right arm; severely bruised the entire right side; damaged the liver, gall bladder, Rt. adrenal gland; suffered severe laceration to forehead (23 stitches) from eyeglass frames, etc.  Healed in approximately two-thirds of the expected healing time, with no scarring or future discomfort or loss of range of motion of the arm...Canandaigua, NY 

LACERATIONS:  63 yr. old F., fell off bicycle into gravel on a steep hill.  Suffered very deep, long cuts on arm and leg.  Refused to have them sewed up by a doctor (against my better judgment!), but allowed a friend to rinse out the dirt and gravel, and tape the skin together.  Less than two weeks later and two BodyTalk sessions later, she went to her doctor for a routine checkup and requested the doctor remove the bandages and inspect the wounds.  The doctor asked her which emergency room she had gone to, as this was a beautiful job of sewing (!), and was healing without any sign of scarring. The doctor also wondered why she still had the bandage on, as it appeared to have happened over a month before...Ithaca, NY

BURN SCARS:  35 yr. old F., severely burned abdomen and thighs from clothing fire many years before.  Required skin grafts from the buttocks, leaving the usual unattractive, rippled, mottled, pink and white scar tissue.  Repeated BodyTalk treatments lightened and evened out the color of the skin, and left it much smoother and healthier appearing...Rochester, NY

FEARS AND PHOBIAS: 62 yr. old F., extreme fear of spiders since childhood.  One treatment, and she no longer needed to run away when locating a spider...Rochester, NY

ADDICTIONS:  40 yr. old F., needed to have one or two drinks daily, and many on weekends.  Her innate wisdom indicated this was a case of marginal alcohol addiction, which would grow worse with time.  Three treatments later, and issues ranging from divorce to inherited DNA addictions tendency, and she was only interested in a few drinks a week, and didn't miss it when not available or when she forgot about it!... Canandaigua, NY

For an international flavor of case histories from around the world, click HERE

For an international flavor of case histories from around the world,    click HERE

Here are a few examples:

2nd degree burns on a one year old
Submitted 28-Nov-14 by
Irma de Jon, Practitioner, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Hello everybody, sharing a success story ;-) Two weeks ago a mother contacted me with the need to do a session for her one year old. The little girl had grabbed onto the heater and got 2nd degree burns on both her hands, it had happened on Friday, the mother contacted me on Tuesday evening. Since it had happened the little girl was treated every day in the specialty burn hospital here in the Netherlands. They thought she would have permanent damage, the mother thought different.

The session was performed..., one week later I received the news from the mother that the right hand had completely cleared up. Still fragile skin, but no more white tissue, all new pink flesh. The follow up was this week, no more bandages on either hand, the skin continues to heal nicely. So very happy for the little one.  

Submitted 21-Nov-14 by
Ben Manalo, Practitioner, United States
A male client in his early 40s presented with several patches of psoriasis on his elbows, knees & elsewhere. After his second BodyTalk session, he sent me an email saying his skin was "as smooth as a baby's butt." 

Depression, Anxiety, Anger Problems
Submitted 01-Apr-14 by
David, Client, Hong Kong

BodyTalk with Angie has not only been a fast and effective method in alleviating my depression and anxiety, but it gave me the insights I needed to understand the root causes of my symptoms for long-lasting improvement. Body Talk helped to eliminate my most troublesome symptoms including chest pain and anxiety, which gave me better control over my emotions and anger management, and ultimately improving my relationship. Angie provides such great clarity into the inner workings of the body and how her therapies take action in my body-mind. The great results of my Body Talk sessions led me to take the Access class so I can bring the success of the Body Talk method into my daily life." 

Eczema / Fear of Flying
Submitted 01-Apr-14 by
Terra, Client, Canada

The BodyTalk System can, and will, change the way you view health care forever. 


"Take a BodyTalk healing session from Bill, as I have already.  I recommend his manner of conveying healing information to his client's body-mind system. He has been delightful and an inspiration to work with, Awesome!"

"It is a wonderful experience. Totally uplifting, energizing and allows us with great benefits for healing...."

"..Patience of listening, case stories, to receive BodyTalk treatments, humor, willing to share experiences..."

"...thoroughly enjoyed my treatments, and am feeling 100% better already...one of the best experiences in my Life!..."

"...easy application it has to life...integrate with other therapies...anything and everything was addressed. no prejudices…no judging of me or my past"

"I suffered for more than 17 years from fibromyalgia and every day was filled with pain and fatigue which restricted me a lot.  After a few BodyTalk sessions, I can now say that I am fully recovered, have no more pain and my energy level is back to normal..."

"Wow, thanks, Bill...The debilitating pain in my leg following my watching the first plane hit the World Trade Center from my office window across the street wouldn't respond to medical treatments, and in fact got worse.  A year later, your two BodyTalk sessions seem to have fixed the problem permanently.  Thank you sooo much"

“It was a pleasure to meet you and talk to you and I truly appreciate the wonderful healing assistance that you shared with me.  I am feeling better each day and I hope that you are doing well also…”

”BodyTalk has changed my life. I live in a more "present" place. I am no longer afraid of symptoms. I am grateful for my body's way to communicate with me through those symptoms. And through BodyTalk I believe I can address those symptoms and heal. I had eczema for 40 years! Sometimes extreme, covering my eyelids and often painful and embarrassing. After years of cortisone creams and blame, I finally went to BodyTalk...2 sessions later and the eczema was gone and has been gone for 3 years now! My body was ready to let go and I was ready to listen!”

I was a fearful flyer - extremely so. Through BodyTalk, I was able to understand the fear and why my body was responding to flying and to really listen to the symptoms of anxiety and fear. After consistent body talk, I am no longer afraid of flying. I actually love it and fly many times a year without the fear. BodyTalk is now part of my family's health care. Both my young children go as well as my husband. It is an integral part of our lives for both the emotional and physical ups and downs. BodyTalk has opened me up to believing in my body, that I can heal and change and live with prosperity, balance, and the firm belief that we are meant to be healthy and well.”

By utilizing all of the complimentary systems (Genome research, bioenergetics, western physiology, eastern meridian and energy systems, applied kinesiology, advaitic philosophy, yoga, etc.) and combining them in such a manner that aids the body in healing itself, the BodyTalk system has proven that the body/mind is in fact capable of healing on a deep and lasting level.

BodyTalk is intended to enhance relaxation, increase communication within areas of the body, and to educate regarding possible energetic or emotional blocks that may create pain and disease. BodyTalk is non-invasive, safe, and objective. It utilizes the body's own innate intelligence to reestablish communication within itself.

BodyTalk is not a substitute for medical treatment or medications. The BodyTalk Practitioner does not diagnose illness or disease nor does the Practitioner prescribe medications. Bill Dewey is not a licensed medical doctor and comments made on this web site or in person are not intended to substitute for those of a licensed medical professional.

The BodyTalkSystem™ is a registered trademark of IBA, the International BodyTalk Association.
The IBA promotes Body Talk as a health care modality that is complementary to other treatment modalities.

Body Talk is not intended to be a substitute for traditional medical treatment which may be required at certain times.

BodyTalk treatment, tapping on head and heart